Just a Normal Guy

dreaming big...


Greatest feeling in the morning, hearing the still breathing, digitally transferred through airwaves into a device that recreates the sound into my headphones. 

Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you have seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and you wish that they were right there with you.

Love vs Like.

Love is a commitment to the person,
Like is a commitment to yourself.
Love covers “sins” or mistakes, dislikes, annoyances.
“Like” has no room for error, mistakes, disagreements.
Love is covenant based.
Like is performance based.

Name Day

Another landmark, another chapter finished. Writing anew the future to come. What it holds and what it brings, expectant and dreaming. Live each day to its fullest, let no experience slip through your grip. Push yourself toward a life worth inspiring others towards. One day at a time, this is all you get. Cease it and create with it. It's the cumulative, additive effect of the small things that create the extraordinary things. Let's run towards extraordinary, nani.

Happy Name Day.


We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.

Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them – we can only love others as much as we love ourselves.

Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.



There is something about being a part of a nuclear family that is great and awesome, but when you are invited into another's there is such a greater sense of greatness and awesomeness... i guess it's because your own nuclear family has some kind of obligation to love you where as another's has a choice. 

It's only the beginning but even just being prayed over is enough to make this one happy. 


Once broken, the hardest thing to give back. But necessary to build upon. 

most expensive commodity... Years to build, seconds to destroy, can only be given back... never earned.

I'm glad we went through this early in the relationship as opposed to later. If I destroyed months/years of trust it would be near impossible to get that back and the hurt would have been even greater. But with where we are, I've learned the importance of your trust and I never want to break it again. And so even in my biggest doubts I will choose to fill the gap with trust for you rather than my thoughts, assumptions, or feelings. (i need to get this tatted =P)

With this being in its infant stages and us learning to trust early, we can decide to always trust first, so that we can build something awesome. 

I'm still sorry and feel horrible for what I did. Please, let's create something great and I hope you can start allowing me to hold on to your trust again. I never want to hurt you like I did, and I know it might be slow and over time, but I really won't destroy it again. You are too precious to me. 



Everyone is different. It would be foolish to think that others would process, think, expect the same way I do. 

I'm sorry that I didn't even try to think from your perspective... I am so foolish in thinking that my way was right...

You are perfectly you and that's enough for Him and for me... really it is.

I know it must have been hard, now that I look back, for you. I feel like it could have looked like I was attacking you, or wanting you to become someone that you weren't. That you were not enough. That I was just yanking things out of you... that might not even be you, or just what I wanted. That you needed to provide me answers and clarity, even though I hadn't given you an opportunity to even process let alone make a decision. And in that moment... maybe in my selfishness I wanted it to go my way... but now, that i'm thinking clearer, I feel so foolish. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I accept you for who you are... and if i don't completely, then I want to. I want you to feel comfortable around me, and if it takes time for you to process, then I want to give you that time. You are perfectly you. Don't ever let me change that. 

I know I said honesty and communication is important, but what comes after honesty is normally conflict, and I just assumed we would handle it the way I handle it: at that moment, logically, decision making... so foolish. I tried to impose that onto you, and for that I am so sorry. I never want for you to feel like you are in the wrong, or your opinion doesn't matter, or your way is not right, or you need to come up with answers right away. You are so precious to me and I want to allow you to be you. 

Take all the time you need. I trust your words when you say you like me, and that I am worth it. At the end of every night I'm the one you're talking to and the last voice you hear before you sleep. That's enough.

I miss you and I hope to talk to you soon. 



Ecclesiastes 7

Good Name: I hope that I will be able to create a Good Name for us. One that will hold impact and influence. One that will encourage, inspire, glorify Jesus.

Sorrow over Laughter: It's always said that laughing is good... and it is. But there is something about being able to mourn with someone, that brings people together and presses towards intimacy. It is much wiser to have deep connections with people and mourning with them than having meaningless laughs.

Death over Life: I hope we live with the end in mind. Put time and efforts into the things that will last and not the things that are fleeting.

Wise Rebuke over Foolish Songs: It is so precious to have people in your life that will challenge you and rebuke you. It is easy to find fools who fall into the pleasures of themselves, but the one who seeks "wise" rebuke and listens will be fruitful. The ones who let their lives slip into the songs of fools will lose all they had and more.

End over Beginning: The beginning always holds all the sparks and emotions, but all of it means nothing if it isn't built into the end. At the end, you have the harvest of all that you have sown. So even in the beginning keep the end in mind, building toward the harvest of what you have. 

Patient Spirit vs Proud Spirit: "Anger lodges in the heart of fools". I never want to be a fool. I pray for wisdom, and patience is a seed of wisdom. The one who has self control and  doesn't allow for anger to settle into their heart is wise. Patience allows for people around you to grow and learn. It allows you to control your anger and allows for you to love them.

Good ol' Days vs Today: It is foolishness to look to the days of the past. "when I was on fire for God"... foolishness. What you have is today and your relationship with God today. Don't forget to live today, by keeping yourself in the past. You'll miss on the things right before you. The things God is showing you and revealing to you. The wise man moves forward and doesn't allow his past to define him or limit him from living this day in freedom. Today is a clean slate, new mercies, and yours to do steward to the best of your ability.
